Teaching and learning

I am a passionate teacher and have enjoyed various responsibilities as a lecturer at Southampton, University College London (UCL), and West Virginia University (WVU).

From 2023 – 2026, I will be the Programme Lead for BSc Education at The University of Southampton. While my first passion was and remains mathematics, I teach a range of quantitative research methods across the BSc and MSc programmes in the Southampton Education School. I have also had an integral role in the development of a new Y3 UG module Learning and Teaching mathematics, available to students from Education, Mathematics and Psychology.

I currently supervise a range of research students and am accepting students across all levels of study. You can learn more about opportunities to study with me here.

I am also heavily involved in the development of online resources for teaching and learning mathematics at a range of different levels. You can learn more about this project here.

Previous roles

My responsibilities at UCL focussed on the development of online assessments using STACK, supporting colleagues across the department to deliver high quality, partially automated assessment to undergraduate students for a wide array of content areas. I providd tutorial support for first-year undergraduate modules, and am currently coteaching MATH0043 – Math for Physics and Astronomy. 

At WVU, I was the instructor of record on courses including ‘Calculus 1’, ‘Introduction to proof’, ‘Research methods III’ (for graduate RUME researchers), and ‘Perspectives on mathematics and science’ (for pre-service teachers). For the latter two courses, I was also responsible for substantive redesigns to meet the unique needs of teaching during a pandemic.

As a graduate student, I also held various responsibilities as a Teaching Assistant, Substitute Lecturer and Grader for courses including ‘Introductory Calculus for Engineers’, ‘Advanced Calculus for Engineers’, ‘Communicating mathematics’, and ‘Tutoring in mathematics’. At the University of Auckland, I received 100% positive student feedback in both semesters in which the data was formally collected. I was also awarded a certificate of teaching proficiency by the School of Science. At Loughborough University, I have been awarded ‘Best Postgraduate Demonstrator’ in both 2017 and 2019. As a mathematics education researcher, teaching combines two of my greatest passions. The experiences I have had thus far in my teaching career have brought me great pleasure and fulfilment and I hope this continues throughout my academic career.